Privacy Law
Personal Data Protection - Information ex art. 13 Law 196 of 30.06.2003 Privacy Law Dear Mrs., Mr., Our company guarantees according to the normative previsions that the processing of data that have been voluntarily given to us (by phone, fax or e-mail) from you personally or that have been obtained from a third party will be processed according to the law and fundamental rights, as well as dignity of the person concerned, with particular attention to the confidentiality, personal identity and right for the personal data protection. Purposes of the processing Regarding the above mentioned purposes Your personal data will be communicated if necessary: The processing can be done with or without help of electronic means and it will include all the operations as provided for in art. 4, paragraph 1, letter a. Law N° 196 of 30 June 2003 and necessary for the processing at issue. Nevertheless the processing will be made with maximum caution in order to guarantee the confidential and secret nature of the data. The Privacy Law confers on the persons concerned particular rights about which in art. 7. The person concerned can inquire after the origin of the data, the purpose and the manner of the processing, has the right to ask for updating, correction, integration, cancellation, transformation in an anonymous way or block of the data processed not according to the law. The person concerned can object, in all or in part, for legitimate reasons to the personal data processing as far as he/she is concerned, though they may be relevant for the purpose of the data collection, and for any reason as far as he/she is concerned to the data processing relevant for the publicity forwarding or direct sales or for market researches or for commercial messages. The above mentioned rights can be exercised also by a person in charge through a request sent to: CASA 3 s.n.c. di Janes e Zanon with the base in Via Stablum, 29 a Terzolas TN, by recorded delivery letter or by e-mail |